Reality Check For Potential Owners In Owning Exotic Animals As Their Adorable Pets

Released on: December 29, 2007, 4:36 am

Press Release Author: Hamsa

Industry: Environment

Press Release Summary: is a place where you can know more
information about the rare or unusual creature which is kept as pets and the
requirements and demands which are different from the other domestic pets.

Press Release Body: is a place where you can know more information
about the rare or unusual creature which is kept as pets and the requirements and
demands which are different from the other domestic pets.

Bangalore, India 29th December 2007 --- Hamsa is a leading pet owner from several
years and has made research about all exotic pets and their environments. Recently
she has come up with a new techniques, diets and environment for feeding exotic
animals as pets in her website "Get Exotic".

Owning an exotic pet is a big decision for anybody and should be given a deep
thought before it's taken. There are many constraints which should be considered
like expenditure, permit, laws, care, time devotion, etc.

Take a look of some steps that she has come up for owning exotic pets and to solve
the problems they are suffering.

1.Diet for Exotic Pets:

Exotic pets demand exotic food. Their nutritional requirements are different from
the others. They should be provided with very high levels of fat and proteins.
These Pets should be fed along with Vitamin A, B and nicotinic acid otherwise; it
can affect the growth, reproductive system and lead to metabolic diseases.

2.Bottle Feeding Exotic pets:

Some of the exotic pets are fed up with bottle, before feeding all the ingredients
should be mixed in a blender and heated. Special Care must be taken while heating of
mixed ingredients and also the bottle. It should never be heated up in a microwave,
instead clean a bottle in hot water. In this formula, the temperature should be
checked before feeding otherwise, it can hurt the animal internally.

3.Issues With Keeping Exotic Animals As A Pets

Potential owners must be careful before buying the pets. Usually most of them get
stressed out with traveling and changing environments. Owning an exotic animal is
very costly. Costs such as buying, legal work, feeding, habitat building, and
veterinary costs should be jotted down before adopting a pet.

4.Metabolic Bone Diseases In Exotic Animals

Other than diseases which are resulted from infection from bacteria and viruses, the
metabolic bone diseases is caused by the deficiency of vitamin D, calcium, and
phosphorus. Some of the metabolic diseases are osteoporosis, cage paralysis,
nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism, rickets, and paper bone disease.
According to some doctors, the disease is also caused due to high consumption of

The owner should not take a step forward to own the exotic animals as pets, unless
he is able to make a lifetime commitment with all these issues.
So what are you waiting for.?

To make your choice right of adopting these pets just log on to "Get Exotic".

Media Contact:
#77, NR Towers, 2nd Floor,
100 Feet Road, Banashankari 3rd Stage,
Bangalore - 560085, Karnataka, India.
Phone: (080) 26722344

Web Site:

Contact Details: Hamsa
#77, NR Towers, 2nd Floor,
100 Feet Road, Banashankari 3rd Stage,
Bangalore - 560085, Karnataka, India.
Phone: (080) 26722344

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